Difference between revisions of "Baltisphaeridium polygonale Appendix A"

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Latest revision as of 01:46, 1 September 2015

"polygonale" (Eisenack, 1931, p.113, pl.4, figs.16-20; pl.5, fig.18 ex Eisenack, 1938a, p.12) Eisenack, 1959, p.199-200.  Holotype: Eisenack, 1931, pl.4, fig.19, as Ovum hispidum subsp. polygonale, lost according to Eisenack (1959, p.199).  Neotype: Paris and Deunff, 1970, pl.1, fig.4, as Veryhachium splendens, designated by Fensome et al. (1990, p.235), which see.  NOW Polygonium polygonale (Appendix A).  Originally Ovum hispidum subsp. polygonale (combination not validly published, Appendix A), subsequently Hystrichosphaeridium polygonale, thirdly Baltisphaeridium polygonale, fourthly Veryhachium polygonale (combination not validly published, Appendix A), fifthly Goniosphaeridium polygonale (Appendix A), sixthly (and now) Polygonium polygonale (Appendix A).  Taxonomic junior synonyms: Impletosphaeridium? primordiale, according to Eisenack et al. (1973, p.497-498); Veryhachium (subsequently Goniosphaeridium) splendens Paris and Deunff, 1970, an acritarch species, by implication in Turner (1984, p.113-114) who believed Goniosphaeridium splendens to be the senior name; Hystrichosphaeridium (subsequently Baltisphaeridium) sexradiatum, according to Eisenack (1965c, p.261).  Age: Silurian (erratic).

Parent: Baltisphaeridium