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"subsp. bulbosum" (Ehrenberg, 1838, pl.1, fig.17) Downie and Sarjeant, 1965, p.174.  Emendation: Morgenroth, 1968, p.546-547, as Hystrichokolpoma bulbosum.  Holotype: Ehrenberg, 1838, pl.1, fig.7.  Neotype: Morgenroth, 1968, pl.44, fig.6, designated by Morgenroth (1968, p.546).  Combination not validly published: specific name not validly published and combination not intended.  NOW Hystrichokolpoma bulbosum.  Originally Xanthidium bulbosum (Appendix A), subsequently Hystrichosphaera bulbosa (combination not validly published), thirdly Hystrichosphaeridium bulbosum, fourthly Ovum hispidum bulbosum (combination not validly published), fifthly (and now) Hystrichokolpoma bulbosum, sixthly Baltisphaeridium bulbosum (combination not validly published, Appendix A).  Taxonomic senior synonym: Xanthidium (as Hystrichosphaeridium) tubiferum, according to Stover and Evitt (1978, p.55) - however, Lentin and Williams (1981, p.134) retained Xanthidium (as Hystrichokolpoma) bulbosumDownie and Sarjeant (1965, p.174) gave the citation "O. [Ovum] hispidum bulbosum (Ehrenberg, 1838a [1838 herein]) Lohmann, 1904, now Hystrichosphaeridium." However, we have not been able to locate the combination Ovum hispidum subsp. bulbosum in Lohmann (1904).  Age: Danian.Ovum hispidum