Difference between revisions of "Chytroeisphaeridia minor"

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Latest revision as of 01:04, 1 September 2015

"minor" (Cookson and Hughes, 1964, p.43, pl.8, figs.1-3,5) Morgan, 1980, p.19.  Holotype: Cookson and Hughes, 1964, pl.8, fig.1.  NOW Kallosphaeridium? helbyi.  Originally Canningia minor, subsequently Canningia? minor, thirdly Batiacasphaera minor, fourthly Chytroeisphaeridia minor, fifthly Kallosphaeridium? minus (name illegitimate), sixthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium? helbyi.  Age: Late Albian-Early Cenomanian.

Parent: Chytroeisphaeridia

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