Difference between revisions of "Hystrichosphaeridium malleoferum"

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Latest revision as of 01:18, 1 September 2015

"malleoferum" (White, 1842, p.37, pl.4, div.3, fig.7) Lentin and Williams, 1993, p.321.  Holotype: White, 1842, pl.4, fig.7; Sarjeant, 1991, fig.4.6.  Combination not validly published: transfer not intended.  NOW Achomosphaera?.  Originally Xanthidium (Appendix A), subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly (and now) Achomosphaera?, fourthly Hystrichosphaeridium (combination not validly published).  Although Deflandre (1937b, p.79) indicated this to be a species of Hystrichosphaeridium, he did not definitely associate the epithet and generic name (see I.C.B.N. Article 33.1).  Thus, in contradiction to the informal treatment of Sarjeant (1991, p.88) and the formal treatment of Lentin and Williams (1993), this combination is not attributable to Deflandre (1937b).  Both Sarjeant (1991) and Lentin and Williams (1993) accepted this as a provisional species of Achomosphaera.  Age: Late Cretaceous.

Parent: Hystrichosphaeridium