Phthanoperidinium echinatum

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"echinatum" Eaton, 1976, p.298-299, pl.17, figs.8-9,12; text-fig.23B.  Holotype: Eaton, 1976, pl.17, figs.8-9; Bujak et al., 1980, pl.5, figs.10-12.  Taxonomic senior synonym: Peridinium (now Phthanoperidinium) stockmansii, according to de Coninck (1977, p.40) and by implication in Islam (1982, p.315), who considered Phthanoperidinium echinatum to be the senior name.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Phthanoperidinium? pseudoechinatum, according to Islam (1982, p.309).  Age: Early-Mid Eocene (see Aubry, 1986).

Parent: Phthanoperidinium