Cassiculosphaeridia ovalis

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"ovalis" Harker and Sarjeant in Harker et al., 1990, p.87-88, pl.2, figs.7-8,11-12; text-fig.19 ex Harker and Sarjeant, 1991, p.708.  Holotype: Harker et al., 1990, pl.2, fig.7; text-fig.19.  NOW Valensiella.  Originally Cassiculosphaeridia, subsequently (and now) Valensiella.  This name was not validly published by Harker and Sarjeant in Harker et al. (1990), since these authors did not specify place of lodgment of the holotype (I.C.B.N. Article 37.5).  Age: Late Campanian.

Parent: Cassiculosphaeridia