Kallosphaeridium helbyi

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?helbyi Lentin and Williams, 1989, p.206.  Holotype: Cookson and Hughes, 1964, pl.8, fig.1.  Originally Canningia minor, subsequently Canningia? minor, thirdly Batiacasphaera minor, fourthly Chytroeisphaeridia minor, fifthly Kallosphaeridium? minus (combination illegitimate), sixthly (and now) Kallosphaeridium? helbyi.  Questionable assignment: Lentin and Williams (1989, p.206).  Substitute name for Kallosphaeridium? minus (Cookson and Hughes, 1964, p.43, pl.8, figs.1-3,5) Helby, 1987, p.324-325 (an illegitimate name).  Age: Late Albian-Early Cenomanian.

Parent: Kallosphaeridium

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