Hystrichokolpoma xipheum
From dinoflaj2
"?xipheum" (Maier, 1959, p.309, pl.30, fig.5) Davey and Williams, 1969, p.5. Holotype: Maier, 1959, pl.30, fig.5. Originally Galea (generic name illegitimate), subsequently Hystrichosphaeridium, thirdly Hystrichokolpoma?. Questionable assignment: Davey and Williams (1969, p.5). Taxonomic senior synonym: Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae, according to Sarjeant (1983, p.104). This combination was not validly published in Davey and Williams (1966b, p.104), since these authors did not fully reference the basionym. Age: Mid Miocene.
Parent: Hystrichokolpoma