Kisselevia clathrata
From dinoflaj2
"?clathrata" (Eisenack, 1938b, p.187; text-fig.5) Lentin and Williams, 1976, p.136. Holotype: Eisenack, 1938b, text-fig.5. NOW Charlesdowniea. Originally Wetzeliella, subsequently Kisselevia?, thirdly (and now) Charlesdowniea. Taxonomic senior synonym: Wetzeliella (as Hystrichosphaeridium) articulata Eisenack, 1938b, according to Pastiels (1948, p.42) - however, this has not been generally accepted by subsequent authors. Questionable assignment: Lentin and Williams (1976, p.136). Age: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene.
Parent: Kisselevia
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