Amphorosphaeridium robustum

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?robustum (Salujha and Kindra, 1981, p.52, pl.3, figs.55-56) Jain and Garg, 1982, p.69.  Holotype: Salujha and Kindra, 1981, pl.3, fig.55.  Originally Hystrichokolpoma, subsequently (and now) Amphorosphaeridium?.  Jain and Garg (1982, p.69) indicated that one of the two specimens illustrated by Salujha and Kindra (1981, pl.3, fig.56) is assignable to a species of Achomosphaera.  Questionable assignment: Jain and Garg (1982, p.69).  Age: Early Paleocene.

Parent: Amphorosphaeridium