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?cruciatum (Wetzel, 1933b, p.94-95, pl.4, fig.30 ex Lejeune-Carpentier, 1940, p.B222) Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1994, p.235.  Emendation: Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1981, p.22-23, as Veryhachium cruciatum.  Holotype: Wetzel, 1933b, pl.4, fig.30.  Originally Hystrichosphaera (name not validly published), subsequently Hystrichosphaeridium, thirdly Hystrichosphaeridium?, fourthly Veryhachium (Appendix A), fifthly (and now) Multiplicisphaeridium?.  Questionable assignment: Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1994, p.235).  The name Hystrichosphaera cruciata was not validly published in Wetzel (1933b) since the generic name Hystrichosphaera was not validly published until 1937.  Age: Late Cretaceous.

Parent: Multiplicisphaeridium_Appendix A