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"OVUM" Eisenack, 1931, p.110.  Name not validly published: it coincides with a morphological term and is thus contrary to I.C.N. Article 20.2.  "Ovum" is Latin for egg.  According to Fensome et al. (1990, p.379): "In giving the heading 'Ova hispida Lohm.', Eisenack (1931) was clearly referring to the inadmissible two-word, unhyphenated generic name Ovum hispidum ... apparently proposed by Lohmann (1904).  However, by giving citations such as 'Ovum hispidum longispinosum n. subsp.' it is clear that Eisenack (1931) considered Ovum to be a generic name and Ovum hispidum (plural: Ova hispida) to be a specific name.  Ovum hispidum can thus be considered the single (and type) species assigned to Ovum by Eisenack (1931), a description being provided on his p.110.  "Type species": Ovum hispidum Eisenack, 1931 (an invalid name)." Type: not designated.

Species List: