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simlaensis Lentin and Williams, 1993, p.644.  Holotype: Khanna and Singh, 1980, pl.1, fig.10.  Originally Subathua spinosa, subsequently Thalassiphora spinosa (combination illegitimate), thirdly (and now) Thalassiphora simlaensis.  Substitute name for Thalassiphora spinosa (Khanna and Singh, 1980, p.309, pl.1, figs.10-12; text-fig.3) Stover and Williams, 1987, p.207 (an illegitimate name).  Taxonomic senior synonym: Pterospermopsis (as and now Thalassiphora) pelagica, according to Lentin and Williams (1985, p.340) - however, Stover and Williams (1987, p.207) retained Thalassiphora simlaensis (as Thalassiphora spinosa).  Nomenclatural junior synonym: Muratodinium subathuensis, since in proposing this species Sarkar (2012, p.174) included the holotype of Thalassiphora simlaensis (=Subathua spinosa) in synonymy with Muratodinium subathuensis. Age: Eocene.

Parent: Thalassiphora