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Revision as of 17:31, 4 December 2016

"*quadridactylites" (Stockmans and Willière, 1962a, p.67-68, pl.1, fig.18; text-fig.29) Stockmans and Willière, 1969, p.33-35.  Holotype: Stockmans and Willière, 1962a, pl.1, fig.18.  Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently DaillydiumTaxonomic senior synonym: Cymatiosphaera (now Daillydium) pentaster Staplin, 1961, a prasinophyte species, according to Playford in Playford and Dring (1981, p.17-18).  Taxonomic senior synonym: Cymatiosphaera tetraster Staplin, 1961, a prasinophyte species, according to Górka (1974, p.134), which is now considered a taxonomic junior synonym of Cymatiosphaera (now Daillydium) pentaster.  The nomenclatural type of the genus Daillydium remains the holotype of Daillydium quadridactylites.  Age: Devonian (Frasnian).

Parent: Daillydium_Appendix A