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He Chengquan and Li Peng, 1981:
He Chengquan and Li Peng, 1981:
Late Late Oligocene dinoflagellates and acritarchs from the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea.  In: Tertiary Palaeontology of the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea, p.59-72, pl.31-35; Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, China.  (In Chinese.)
Late Late Oligocene dinoflagellates and acritarchs from the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea.  In: Tertiary Palaeontology of the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea, p.59-72, pl.31-35; Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, China.  (In Chinese.)
[[Category:References|He Chengquan 2 Li Peng 1981]]

Revision as of 19:57, 6 December 2016

He Chengquan and Li Peng, 1981: Late Late Oligocene dinoflagellates and acritarchs from the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea. In: Tertiary Palaeontology of the North Continental Shelf of the South China Sea, p.59-72, pl.31-35; Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, China. (In Chinese.)