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perforatum (Gocht, 1959, p.68-69, pl.3, fig.7; pl.7, figs.13-16) Davey and Williams, 1969, p.5.  Holotype: Gocht, 1959, pl.3, fig.7; pl.7, fig.13; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.59, figs.3-11.  Junior homonym: Oligosphaeridium perforatum Jain, 1977b.  Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Oligosphaeridium.  This combination was not validly published in Davey and Williams (1966b, p.77), since these authors did not fully reference the basionym.  Age: Hauterivian-Barremian.

Parent: Oligosphaeridium

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