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Revision as of 16:34, 4 December 2016

*perforata (Davey, 1978, p.892) Wilson and Clowes, 1980, p.19.  Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1960a, pl.2, fig.17 (as Aiora fenestrata); Fensome et al., 1996, fig.1 - p.2267; designated by Davey (1978, p.892).  Originally Aiora, subsequently (and now) Balteocysta.  Nomenclatural junior synonym: Balteocysta rotula, which has the same type.  Lentin and Williams (1981, p.7) assumed that Davey named this species for the perforations it possesses: since it was perforate, he used the Latin "perforare", which is equivalent to the English infinitive "to perforate"; the Latin for the past participle is "perforatus".  Age: Turonian.

Parent: Balteocysta