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Revision as of 16:50, 4 December 2016

?deflandrei (Lejeune-Carpentier, 1941, p.B84, fig.6) Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1981, p.14.  Emendation: Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1981, p.14, as Fibrocysta? deflandrei.  Holotype: Lejeune-Carpentier, 1941, fig.6; Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1981, pl.4, figs.5-6; text-fig.8.  Originally Hystrichosphaeridium spinosum var. deflandrei, subsequently Baltisphaeridium spinosum var. deflandrei (Appendix A), thirdly Cordosphaeridium spinosum var. deflandrei (combination not validly published), fourthly Exochosphaeridium spinosum var. deflandrei, fifthly Exochosphaeridium spinosum subsp. deflandrei, sixthly Exochosphaeridium? spinosum subsp. deflandrei, seventhly (and now) Fibrocysta? deflandrei.  Questionable assignment: Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant (1981, p.14).  Age: Late Cretaceous.

Parent: Fibrocysta