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cretaceum (Cookson, 1956, p.184-185, pl.1, figs.1-7 [but see below]) Lentin and Williams, 1977a, p.167.  Holotype: Cookson, 1956, pl.1, fig.1; Helby et al., 1987, fig.42L.  Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Isabelia (combination illegitimate), thirdly (and now) Isabelidinium, fourthly Manumiella? This species was retained in Isabelidinium by Bowman et al. (2012, p.54).  Of the original illustrations in the protologue, pl.1, figs.6-7 were considered by Cookson and Eisenack (1960a, p.4) to belong to their new species, Nelsoniella aceras; pl.1, fig.5 was considered by Lentin and Williams (1985, p.231) to belong to Manumiella delicata; thus, only pl.1, figs.1-4 are now considered to belong to this species.  Age: Late Cretaceous.

Parent: Isabelidinium

Infrataxon List: