Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum

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salpingophorum Deflandre, 1935, p.232, pl.9, fig.1 ex Deflandre, 1937b, p.70 (not 80).  Emendation: Davey and Williams, 1966b, p.61-62, as Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum.  Holotype: Deflandre, 1935, pl.9, fig.1; Deflandre, 1937b, pl.13 (al pl.10), figs.1,3; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.46, figs.1-6.  Originally Hystrichosphaera (name not validly published), subsequently (and now) Hystrichosphaeridium.  The name Hystrichosphaera salpingophora was not validly published in Deflandre (1935) since the generic name Hystrichosphaera was not validly published until 1937.  Age: Senonian.

Hystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum.jpgHystrichosphaeridium salpingophorum2.jpg
Parent: Hystrichosphaeridium