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LEJEUNECYSTA Artzner and Dörhöfer, 1978, p.1381.  Emendations: Kjellström, 1972, p.467, Lentin and Williams, 1976, p.68-69 and Bujak in Bujak et al., 1980, p.68, all as Lejeunia - however, see Head (1993, p.30-31).  Originally Lejeunia Gerlach, 1961 (name illegitimate), subsequently (and now) Lejeunecysta, thirdly Protoperidinium subgenus Protoperidinium section Lejeunecysta (section name not validly published).  Substitute name for Lejeunia Gerlach, 1961, p.169 (an illegitimate name).  Taxonomic senior synonym: Quinquecuspis, by implication in Matsuoka (1987, p.57), who incorrectly considered Lejeunecysta to be the senior name - however, this synonymy has not been generally followed.  Type: Gerlach, 1961, pl.26, figs.10-11, as Lejeunia hyalina.

Lejeunecysta.jpgLejeunecysta spp.jpg
Parent: Subfamily Protoperidinioideae

Species List: