Cribroperidinium ehrenbergii

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?ehrenbergii (Gitmez, 1970, p.252-254, pl.2, figs.8-9; text-fig.8) Helenes, 1984, p.124.  Holotype: Gitmez, 1970, pl.2, figs.8-9; text-fig.8, lost according to Jan du Chêne et al. (1986a, p.80).  Originally Gonyaulacysta, subsequently Millioudodinium, thirdly (and now) Cribroperidinium?.  Questionable assignment: Helenes (1984, p.124) as a problematic species.  Lentin and Williams (1989, p.8) recommended that this name be restricted to the holotype.  Age: Early Kimmeridgian.

Parent: Cribroperidinium