Palaeohystrichophora minuta

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"minuta" Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.257, text-fig.4.  Holotype: Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, text-fig.4.  NOW Diconodinium.  Originally Palaeohystrichophora, subsequently (and now) Diconodinium.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Deflandrea (as Alterbia; now Spinidinium) balmei, according to Morgan (1977, p.130) - however, Lentin and Williams (1981, p.156) retained Deflandrea (as Isabelidinium) balmei.  This name was not validly published in Deflandre and Cookson (1954, p.1236) since no description was given.  Age: Santonian.

Parent: Palaeohystrichophora