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PHANERODINIUM Deflandre, 1937a, p.110.  Emendations: Below, 1987b, p.36-38; Slimani, 1994, p.43.  Taxonomic junior synonyms: Fibradinium, Microdinium, Rhiptocorys and Subtilidinium, all according to Below (1987b, p.36) - however, Lentin and Williams (1989, p.135,243,316,354) retained all four genera.  Stover and Evitt (1978, p.236) noted that the type of Phanerodinium, Phanerodinium cayeuxii, is embedded in flint so the nature of the archeopyle is uncertain.  Accordingly, Lentin and Williams (1989, p.289) recommended that only Phanerodinium cayeuxii and Phanerodinium setiferum be included in Phanerodinium.  Type: Deflandre, 1935, pl.6, fig.3, as Palaeoperidinium cayeuxii (name not validly published).

Parent: Order Gonyaulacales Suborder uncertain Family uncertain

Species List: