QUINQUECUSPIS Harland, 1977b, p.106. Emendation: Harland, 1982, p.396-397, as Protoperidinium subgenus Protoperidinium section Quinquecuspis (name not validly published). Originally (and now) Quinquecuspis, subsequently Protoperidinium subgenus Protoperidinium section Quinquecuspis (name not validly published). Taxonomic junior synonym: Lejeunecysta, by implication in Matsuoka (1987, p.57), who incorrectly considered Lejeunecysta to be the senior name - however, this synonymy has not been generally followed. Harland (1982, p.396-397) considered Quinquecuspis Harland, 1977b to be not validly published, since it lacked a Latin diagnosis. As noted by Fensome et al. (1991, p.434), this was not necessary since the cysts are considered fossil and a Latin diagnosis is not required. Head (1993, p.31) contended that Quinquecuspis was not validly published in Harland (1977b) because as its type he designated a then unpublished species name, Trinovantedinium concretum Reid, 1977. Head believed that the paper by Reid (1977) was not published until 1978. However, although the journal in which Reid's paper appeared did indeed not come out until 1978, preprints of Reid's paper did appear in 1977 (P.C. Reid, personal communication, 1997). Accordingly Quinquecuspis was validly published in Harland (1977b). Type: Reid, 1977, pl.1, figs.9-11, as Trinovantedinium concretum.
Parent: Subfamily Protoperidinioideae
Species List: