Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum
longifurcatum (Firtion, 1952, p.157-158, pl.9, fig.1; text-figs.1H-M) Davey et al., 1966, p.163. Holotype: Firtion, 1952, pl.9, fig.1; lost according to Fauconnier and Pourtoy in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.517). Neotype: Foucher, 1976, pl.5, figs.7-8, designated by Fauconnier and Pourtoy in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.518); Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.74, figs.2-3. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Baltisphaeridium (Appendix A), thirdly (and now) Surculosphaeridium, fourthly Surculosphaeridium?. Questionable assignment: Stover and Evitt (1978, p.83) - however, Fauconnier and Pourtoy in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.517) considered that this species should be assigned to Surculosphaeridium without question.. Age: Cenomanian.

</CENTER> Parent: Surculosphaeridium