Pareodinia ceratophora
*ceratophora Deflandre, 1947d, p.4, text-figs.1-3. Emendation: Gocht, 1970b, p.153-156. Holotype: Deflandre, 1947d, text-fig.1. Taxonomic junior synonyms: Cryptomeriapollenites coralliensis (Appendix A), according to Sarjeant (1962b, p.263); Kalyptea monoceras, according to Wiggins (1975, p.103) and Below (1990, p.65); Paranetrelytron strongylum, according to Wiggins (1975, p.103); Pareodinia aphelia, according to Wiggins (1975, p.103) - however, Below (1990, p.66) retained Pareodinia aphelia; Pareodinia nuda, according to Wiggins (1975, p.103) and Kunz (1990, p.13). Gocht (1970b, p.154) considered Kalyptea jurassica and Kalyptea diceras to be possible taxonomic junior synonyms of Pareodinia ceratophora. Age: Late Callovian.

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