Rottnestia borussica

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*borussica (Eisenack, 1954b, p.62, pl.9, figs.5a-b,6-7) Cookson and Eisenack, 1961b, p.42.  Holotype: Eisenack, 1954b, pl.9, fig.5a-b.  Originally Hystrichosphaera, subsequently (and now) Rottnestia, thirdly Triblastula, fourthly Hystrichosphaeropsis (combination not validly published).  Eisenack (1969a, p.105-108) and Jan du Chêne et al. (1986a, p.309) retained this species in Rottnestia.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Hystrichosphaeropsis jubata (name not validly published), according to May (1980, p.24).  Age: Early Oligocene.

Rottnestia borussica.jpg
Parent: Rottnestia

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