Diagnosis:Goniodomaceans with either or both of the following characters: 1) the tabulation has more than the typical goniodominean number of plates in at least two plate series; 2) within the life-cycle there is a nonpreservable smooth cellulosic cyst with a chasmic archeopyle.
Alexandrium ERROR bib794.htm for Halim, 1960a.
Fragilidium ERROR bib53.htm for Balech, 1959 ex ERROR bib1199.htm for Loeblich III, 1965. Helgolandinium ERROR bib1955.htm for von Stosch, 1969. Pyrophacus ERROR bib1820.htm for Stein, 1883.
Tuberculodinium ERROR bib1968.htm for Wall, 1967; Pleistocene.
Parent: Family Goniodomaceae part 1