Subathua spinosa

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"spinosa" Khanna and Singh, 1980, p.309, pl.1, figs.10–12; text-fig.3.  Holotype: Khanna and Singh, 1980, pl.1, fig.10.  NOW Thalassiphora simlaensis.  Originally Subathua spinosa, subsequently Thalassiphora spinosa (combination illegitimate), thirdly (and now) Thalassiphora simlaensis.  Taxonomic senior synonym: Pterospermopsis (as and now Thalassiphora) pelagica, according to Lentin and Williams (1985, p.340) — however, Stover and Williams (1987, p.207) retained Subathua (as Thalassiphora) spinosa (now Thalassiphora simlaensis).  Nomenclatural junior synonym: Muratodinium subathuensis, since in proposing this species Sarkar (2012, p.174) included the holotype of Thalassiphora simlaensis (=Subathua spinosa) in synonymy with Muratodinium subathuensis.  Age: Eocene.

Parent: Subathua