Cribroperidinium sarjeantii

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sarjeantii (Vozzhennikova, 1967, p.87-89, pl.25, figs.1-2; pl.28, fig.4; pl.31, figs.1a-b,2a-b,3; pl.32, figs.1,2a-c,3,4a-b) Helenes, 1984, p.130.  Holotype: Vozzhennikova, 1967, pl.31, fig.1a; Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, text-fig.53, lost according to Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.95).  Neotype: Vozzhennikova, 1967, pl.31, fig.3 and Lentin and Vozzhennikova, 1990, pl.16, fig.4, designated by Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.95).  Originally Gonyaulax (Appendix B), subsequently Gonyaulacysta, thirdly Millioudodinium, fourthly Rhynchodiniopsis, fifthly Cribroperidinium?, sixthly (and now) Cribroperidinium.  Questionable assignment: Helenes (1984, p.130) - however, Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.95-97) retained this species in Cribroperidinium without question and provided an "expanded description".  Age: Tithonian.

Parent: Cribroperidinium

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