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Latest revision as of 01:34, 1 September 2015

"POLYSTEPHANOSPHAERA" Sarjeant, 1960a, p.140-142.  Taxonomic senior synonym: Systematophora, according to Sarjeant (1961b, p.1095-1096).  Taxonomic junior synonym: Surculosphaeridium, by implication in Courtinat (1989, p.173), who considered the "type species", Polystephanosphaera valensii to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Hystrichosphaeridium (as and now Surculosphaeridium) vestitum - however, Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1990, p.207-208) retained the two species, as well as the genus Surculosphaeridium.  Type: Sarjeant, 1960a, pl.6, fig.4; text-fig.3b, as Polystephanosphaera valensii.

Parent: Subfamily Leptodinioideae

Species List: