SYSTEMATOPHORA Klement, 1960, p.61-62. Emendations: Brenner, 1988, p.83; Stancliffe and Sarjeant, 1990, p.207-208; Riding and Helby, 2001e, p.123. Taxonomic junior synonyms: Cleistosphaeridium, according to Islam (1993, p.88) - however, Eaton et al. (2001, p. 176) retained Cleistosphaeridium; Hystrichosphaerina, by implication in Downie and Sarjeant (1965, p.146), who transferred the "type species" of Hystrichosphaerina, Hystrichosphaerina schindewolfii, to Systematophora and Brenner (1988, p.83) - however, Stover and Evitt (1978, p.57-58) and Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1990, p.204) retained Hystrichosphaerina; Polystephanephorus, according to Brenner (1988, p.83) - however, Stancliffe and Sarjeant (1990, p.205) retained Polystephanephorus; Polystephanosphaera, according to Sarjeant (1961b, p.1095-1096); Taeniophora, according to Stover and Evitt (1978, p.84) - however, Sarjeant (1984a, p.166) retained Taeniophora. Courtinat, Londeix and Pourtoy in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.525) listed Taeniophora as a taxonomic junior synonym of Systematophora but did not list the type, Taeniophora iunctispina, within the latter genus. Moreover, Courtinat and Begouën in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.545) listed Taeniophora as a separate genus, a treatment followed here. Type: Klement, 1960, pl.9, figs.1-3, as Systematophora areolata.

Parent: Subfamily Leptodinioideae
Species List:
*Systematophora areolata
"Systematophora austinii"
"Systematophora capricorna"
Systematophora complicata
Systematophora conspicua
Systematophora cretacea
Systematophora curta
Systematophora daveyi
"Systematophora diversispinosa"
"Systematophora fasciculigera"
Systematophora geminus
Systematophora granulosa
"Systematophora iunctispina"
Systematophora jubifera
"Systematophora orbifera"
Systematophora ovata
Systematophora palmula
Systematophora penicillata
"Systematophora placacantha"
Systematophora prodigiosa
Systematophora rosenfeldii
"Systematophora schindewolfii"
Systematophora scoriacea
Systematophora septata
Systematophora silvosa
Systematophora silybum
Systematophora taiwaniana
Systematophora tianshanensis
"Systematophora turonica"
Systematophora urbinii
Systematophora valensii
Systematophora variabilis
"Systematophora varians"
"Systematophora varispinosa"
"Systematophora vestita"
"Systematophora vetuscula"