Bonetiella Trejo 1983
From dinoflaj3
"BONETIELLA" Trejo, 1983, p.6. Calcareous dinoflagellate genus (see Elbrächter et al., 2008, p.1298, who noted that the cyst wall is pithonelloid and so dinoflagellate affinity is questionable). Name illegitimate — senior homonym: Bonetiella Rzedowski, 1957, an anacardiacean. Taxonomic senior synonym: Bonetocardiella, provisionally, according to Elbrächter et al., 2008, p.1298). If considered a separate genus, a new name would be required. Type: Trejo, 1983, pl.36, fig.1, as Bonetiella peregrinaensis.
Species List: