Cassiculosphaeridia dictydia

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"dictydia" (Sarjeant, 1972, p.41, pl.3, fig.3; pl.6, fig.6) Riley and Fenton, 1982, p.199.  Holotype: Sarjeant, 1972, pl.6, fig.6.  NOW Valensiella.  Originally Chytroeisphaeridia, subsequently Batiacasphaera, thirdly Escharisphaeridia, fourthly Cassiculosphaeridia, fifthly (and now) Valensiella.  This combination was not validly published in Riley and Fenton (1980, p.340), since these authors did not reference the basionym.  Age: Bathonian–Callovian.

Parent: Cassiculosphaeridia