Chatangiella obtusa
From dinoflaj3
"obtusa" Lebedeva, 1988, p.75–76, pl.18, figs.5–6. Holotype: Lebedeva, 1988, pl.18, figs.5–6. Taxonomic senior synonym: Australiella (as and now Chatangiella) chetiensis, according to Lebedeva in Ilyina et al. (1994, p.67). Taxonomic senior synonym: Australiella (as and now Chatangiella) bondarenkoi, according to Lentin and Vozzhennikova (1990, p.41) — however, Chatangiella obtusa is now considered a taxonomic junior synonym of Australiella (as and now Chatangiella) chetiensis. Age: Santonian.
Parent: Chatangiella