Dracodinium politum
"politum" Bujak et al., 1980, p.29, pl.11, fig.1. Holotype: Williams and Downie, 1966b, pl.19, fig.9 (see discussion below), as Wetzeliella glabra; not Bujak et al., 1980, pl.11, fig.1 as indicated in Williams et al. (1998, p.204). NOW Rhadinodinium. Originally Dracodinium, subsequently (and now) Rhadinodinium. Aside from the holotype of Dracodinium (now Rhadinodinium) politum being incorrectly indicated in Williams et al. (1998), confusion is caused by the fact that the plates and captions in the originally-issued protologue publication were mixed up. Hence, in Williams and Downie (1966b, original issue), the holotype appears as pl.19, fig.9, opposite the caption labelled plate 19 but clearly intended as caption to the plate labelled 20; the correct caption for the plate labelled 19 is opposite the plate labelled 20. In the 1983 issue of the monograph, these problems were corrected and the holotype of Dracodinium (now Rhadinodinium) politum is pl.20, fig.9. Age: early Eocene.

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