Odontochitina imparilis

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imparilis (Duxbury, 1980, p.127–129, pl.5, figs.2,4–5; text-figs.11A–B) Jain and Khowaja-Ateequzzaman, 1984, p.38.  Holotype: Duxbury, 1980, pl.5, figs.4–5; text-fig.11B.  Originally Muderongia, subsequently Odontochitina?, thirdly (and now) Odontochitina.  Questionable assignment: Jain and Khowaja-Ateequzzaman (1984, p.38) — however, Bint (1986, p.138) included this species in Odontochitina without question.  Age: middle-late Barremian.

Parent: Odontochitina