Difference between revisions of "Thoracosphaera operculata Appendix B"

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"operculata" Bramlette and Martini, 1964, p.305-306, pl.5, figs.3-7.  Emendation: Streng et al., 2004, p.467, as Cervisiella operculata. Holotype: Bramlette and Martini, 1964, pl.5, figs.4-5.  NOW Cervisiella.  Originally Thoracosphaera, subsequently Obliquipithonella, thirdly Pirumella, fourthly Operculodinella, fifthly (and now) Cervisiella.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Thoracosphaera atlantica, according to Fütterer (1990, p.540).  Age: Maastrichtian-Paleocene.

Parent: Thoracosphaera_Appendix B