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penicillata (Ehrenberg, 1843b, p.62 ex Ehrenberg, 1854, pl.37, section 8, fig.3) Sarjeant, 1980a, p.282.  Holotype: Ehrenberg, 1854, pl.37, section 8, fig.3.  Originally Xanthidium penicillatum (Appendix A), subsequently Hystrichosphaera penicillata (combination not validly published), thirdly Hystrichosphaeridium penicillatum, fourthly Ovum hispidum subsp. penicillatum (combination not validly published; Appendix A), fifthly Hystrichosphaeridium? penicillatum, sixthly (and now) Systematophora penicillata.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Systematophora fasciculigera, according to Sarjeant (1980a, p.282).  The name Systematophora penicillata was not validly published in Ehrenberg (1843b) since neither description nor illustration was provided.  The validity/authorship of this name may need to be reconsidered as it appears that Ehrenberg (1854) did not provide a description.  Age: Late Oxfordian.

Parent: Systematophora