Thoracosphaera tuberosa Appendix B

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"tuberosa" Kamptner, 1963, p.179-180, pl.4, fig.26.  Emendation: Janofske and Karwath, 2000, p.114-115, as Pernambugia tuberosa.  Holotype: Kamptner, 1963, pl.4, fig.26.  NOW Pernambugia.  Originally Thoracosphaera, subsequently Sphaerodinella (combination not validly published), thirdly Sphaerodinella?, fourthly (and now) Pernambugia.  Taxonomic junior synonyms: Thoracosphaera candora and Thoracosphaera narena, both according to Fütterer (1976, p.132).  Age: Pleistocene.

Parent: Thoracosphaera_Appendix B