Gonyaulacysta eisenackii

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eisenackii (Deflandre, 1939a, p.171, pl.6, figs.7-10; text-figs.3-4) Górka, 1965, p.299.  Emendation: Sarjeant, 1982b, p.32-33, as Gonyaulacysta eisenackii.  Holotype: Deflandre, 1939a, pl.6, figs.7-8; text-figs.3-4; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.125, figs.5-9.  Originally Gonyaulax (Appendix B), subsequently (and now) Gonyaulacysta, thirdly Endoscrinium, fourthly TubotuberellaLentin and Williams (1989, p.152) retained this species in Gonyaulacysta.  Taxonomic junior synonym: Tubotuberella sphaerocephala, according to Sarjeant (1982b, p.32).  Dodekova (1967, p.18) and Sarjeant (1968, p.227) also proposed this combination.  This combination was not validly published in Sarjeant (1966b, p.131), since that author did not fully reference the basionym.  Age: Oxfordian.

Gonyaulacysta eisenackii.jpg
Parent: Gonyaulacysta

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