Rhombodinium rotundatum
From dinoflaj3
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?rotundatum Balteş, 1969, p.35, pl.5, fig.10 ex Lentin and Williams, 1973, p.121. Holotype: Balteş, 1969, pl.5, fig.10. Originally Wetzeliella (name not validly published), subsequently (and now) Rhombodinium. Questionable assignment: Williams et al. (2015, p.311). Taxonomic junior synonym (at specific rank): Rhombodinium draco forma freienwaldense (as Rhombodinium freienwaldense), by implication in Costa and Downie (1979, p.44), who believed Rhombodinium freienwaldense to be the senior name - however, Grabowska in Malinowskiej and Piwockiego (1996, p.343) retained Rhombodinium freienwaldense. This name was not validly published in Balteş (1969) since that author considered it a provisional designation. Age: Oligocene.
Parent: Rhombodinium