Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum
From dinoflaj2
*diktyoplokum (Klumpp, 1953, p.392, pl.18, figs.3-7 [not pl.18, figs.8-10, which are now Cordosphaeridium latum]) Eaton, 1971, p.358-359. Emendations: Eaton, 1971, p.359 and Stover and Williams, 1995, p.102, both as Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum. Holotype: Klumpp, 1953, pl.18, figs.3-4. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Cordosphaeridium, thirdly (and now) Areosphaeridium. Taxonomic junior synonym: Hystrichosphaeridium (now Enneadocysta?) dictyostilum, according to Eaton (1971, p.359) - however, Sarjeant (1981, p.115) retained Hystrichosphaeridium (as Areosphaeridium, now Enneadocysta?) dictyostilum. Age: Mid-Late Eocene.

Parent: Areosphaeridium
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