Endoscrinium attadalense
From dinoflaj2
attadalense (Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, p.25, pl.1, fig.7) Riding and Fensome, 2003, p.21. Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, pl.1, fig.7; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.112, figs.4-7; Riding and Fensome, 2003, text-fig.4B. Originally Gymnodinium (Appendix B), subsequently Scriniodinium, thirdly (and now) Endoscrinium. Riding and Fensome (2003, p.21) cited the basionym as Scriniodinium attadalense rather than Gymnodinium attadalense, but otherwise fully referenced the basionym; hence, their validation of the combination is accepted here. Age: Aptian.

Parent: Endoscrinium