Glaphyrocysta exuberans
exuberans (Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, p.285 ex Eaton, 1976, p. 255-256) Stover and Evitt, 1978, p.50. Emendation: Sarjeant, 1986, p.29-31, as Glaphyrocysta exuberans. Holotype: Pastiels, 1948, pl.5, figs.11,13, as Membranilarnax pterospermoides, designated by Eaton (1976, p.255); lost according to Sarjeant (1986, p.30). Neotype: Eaton, 1976, pl.8, fig.2, designated by Sarjeant (1986, p.30). Originally Cyclonephelium, subsequently (and now) Glaphyrocysta. The name Cyclonephelium exuberans was not validly published in Deflandre and Cookson (1955, p.255) since no description was provided or a direct reference to one (as required after 1952 by ICBN Article 32.3), and in Williams and Downie (1966c, p.225) since no holotype was designated. In originally proposing the name Cyclonephelium exuberans, Deflandre and Cookson (1955, p.285) included several specimens illustrated by Pastiels (1948, pl.5, figs.11-14) but did not designate a holotype. Contrary to the indication by Eaton (1976, p.256), this was not against ICBN rules in 1955, but was when Williams and Downie (1966c) used the name Cyclonephelium exuberans. Hence, Eaton (1976) was first to validate the name by providing a description and designating a holotype. Age: Early Eocene.

Parent: Glaphyrocysta