Hystrichosphaera penicillata
"penicillata" (Ehrenberg, 1843b, p.61 ex Ehrenberg, 1854, pl.37, fig.8.3) Wetzel, 1933b, p.41. Holotype: Ehrenberg, 1854, pl.37, fig.8.3. Combination not validly published: generic name not validly published until 1937. NOW Systematophora penicillata. Originally Xanthidium penicillatum (Appendix A), subsequently Hystrichosphaera penicillata (combination not validly published), thirdly Hystrichosphaeridium penicillatum, fourthly Ovum hispidum subsp. penicillatum (combination not validly published; Appendix A), fifthly Hystrichosphaeridium? penicillatum, sixthly (and now) Systematophora penicillata. Taxonomic junior synonym: Systematophora fasciculigera, according to Sarjeant (1980a, p.282). According to Sarjeant (1980a, p.282), this species name was not validly published in Ehrenberg (1843b). Age: Late Oxfordian.
Parent: Hystrichosphaera
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