Rhabdothorax erinaceus

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"*erinaceus" (Kamptner, 1937, p.71) Gaarder and Heimdal 1973, p.97.  Combination not validly published: basionym not fully referenced.  Originally Rhabdosphaera (Appendix A), subsequently Rhabdothorax (combination not validly published).  Taxonomic senior synonym: Glenodinium (now Scrippsiella) trochoideum (Appendix B, under Scrippsiella), according to Janofske (2000, p.180).  Further information not available.  This combination was also not validly published in Kamptner (1958, p.89) since the generic name was not validly published.  Age: extant.

Parent: Rhabdothorax