Trichodinium castanea

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castanea Deflandre, 1935, p.229, pl.6, fig.8 ex Clarke and Verdier, 1967, p.19-20.  Holotype: Deflandre, 1935, pl.6, fig.8; Deflandre, 1936b, pl.6, fig.1; Jan du Chêne et al., 1986a, pl.122, figs.9-10.  Originally Palaeoperidinium (name not validly published), subsequently (and now) Trichodinium.  Taxonomic senior synonyms: Apteodinium (as and now Trichodinium) ciliatum and Trichodinium intermedium, both by implication in Clarke and Verdier (1967, p.19), who believed Trichodinium castanea to be the senior name - however, subsequent workers have retained the three species (e.g. see Morgan, 1980, p.33; Harding, 1990b, p.38).  A full description of this species was given in Deflandre (1936b, p.177-178).  The name Palaeoperidinium castanea was not validly published in Deflandre (1935) since the generic name Palaeoperidinium was not validly published until 1967.  N.I.A.  Age: ?Senonian (erratic).

Parent: Trichodinium

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