Phoberocysta neocomica
From dinoflaj3
*neocomica (Gocht, 1957, p.172–178, pl.19, figs.1–5; pl.20, figs.1–7; text-figs.7–16) Millioud, 1969, p.432. Emendation: Helby, 1987, p.310–313, as Phoberocysta neocomica. Holotype: Gocht, 1957, pl.19, fig.1; text-fig.7. Originally Wetzeliella?, subsequently (and now) Phoberocysta, thirdly Muderongia. Poulsen (1996, p.59) retained this species in Phoberocysta. Taxonomic junior synonym: Muderongia tomaszowensis, by implication in Monteil (1991b, p.477), who considered Muderongia tomaszowensis to be the senior name — however, this synonymy has not been generally followed. Age: Hauterivian.

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